Friday, April 20, 2012

Massage your face ladies.

If you are looking for a simple, cost free, result guarantied face treatment look no further then your hands. Regularly applied face massage is the best thing you can do to keep your face vibrant and youthful. No cream or potion can compete with a regularly applied face massage.
I consider massage to be the most important part of my treatments and I include various massage techniques in each face treatment I offer at Woman Divine clinic. You can visit me anytime for the   professional version of this blissful art:))You can also ask for a mini - face massage learning session one on one or you can come to one of my Face Yoga workshops. In the meantime you can get going right in the comfort of your home.
Apply self massage on daily basis, even 5 minutes a day practiced regularly will bring great results.

Wash your face with a gentle chemical free cleanser.

Use few drops of vegetable oil like: almond, rosehip, jojoba or argan.

Follow the arrows in the picture.

Enjoy! It is a beautiful act of self-nurturing.

Face massage increases blood flow to the tissues carrying nutrients necessary for cell health / healthy cells, happy skin/.
It supports lymphatic flow assuring tissue detoxification and healthy environment for your cells to live in.
Massage releases stress and tension from the facial tissues and leaves you with a soft and peaceful expression. 
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Daisy for a rainy day.


Just to cheer you up on a rainy, gray Ottawa day:))

To scrub or not to scrub? A sensitive skin question.

I am often asked about exfoliation. Is it necessary? Does it make a difference?  Should everyone scrub?  What I have observed in my practice, is that a lot of skin problems are caused by excessive scrubbing and exfoliation.  Being a skin care minimalist, I tend to believe that less is more and I will always think twice before adding anything to my existing routine. In my books, a daily skin care routine ought to be simple, effective and most of all mindful.  So a good place to start before ever applying anything to your skin is a mindful examination of  your skin. Use both logic and intuition.
-->What does your skin feel and look like? If your skin is red, inflamed, with broken capillaries and dry patches, it will definitely not respond well to anything that is abrasive in texture and irritating, so forget all the apricot kernel scrubs please. It is already irritated enough! Soothing and calming is what your skin needs. One thing that I suggest over and over again for this type of skin is a simple Ayurvedic concoction I have learned about years back. Clients use it with great success.

Simple ingredients which you probably already have in your kitchen:
1 tbsp of chick pea flour + 1/8 tsp of turmeric.    Mix it well and store in a little jar. Use it every couple of days after cleansing your face. All you need is a pinch of this powder and a bit of water. Make it almost watery consistency and use it like you would any scrub. Chick pea serves here as a very gentle exfoliant and it also absorbs excess oil:)) (which is often an additional problem with this type of skin). Turmeric is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It keeps redness and inflammation under control and prevents pimples.

chick pea/turmeric scrub

My final verdict on scrubbing and exfoliating for the sensitive skin goes something like this:  STOP USING ROUGH STUFF ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE, PLEASE! You are just making things worse.
P.S. If your skin is chronically red and inflamed I strongly suggest that you seek professional advice.

How can rosehip oil help your skin?

 Rosehip oil by woman divine

Out of all the  base oils out there  Rosehip Seed ( Rosa Mosqueta or Rosa Rubiginosa)is by far my favorite.

I have been using it for years with great result both in treatment with my clients and personally on my skin. It is highly regenerating to the skin, making it smooth and supple. Rosehip Seed oil is used to treat mature skin, wrinkles, pigmentation spots, scars and stretch marks as well as minor burns (great after too much sun exposure).
You can use it plain; just a few drops on a dump skin is enough to moisturize your face. I like to massage my face with it and sometimes I’ll go for a month or two using this oil as my only moisturizer. It is great!
Hair repair, is another option. It will nourish and hydrate damaged hair. Apply Rosehip oil to your hair 2 hours before washing, wrap a towel around your head, sip a herbal tea and relax. Shampoo twice (with a chemical free shampoo, please) and watch your locks shine:)) 

A word of caution;  as you see Rosehip oil is golden in colour and it will stain your pillow case or clothing if not given enough time to absorb into your skin. It has a slightly nutty smell (lovely). Skin absorbs it completely and this oil will not leave a greasy film.
It is high in Vitamin C, A and some E. It will go rancid relatively fast so best to keep a little bottle handy in the bathroom and store rest of it in the fridge.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My take on beauty.

Whether you are 15, 45 or 85 beauty is inherently yours.
Beauty is more about how you feel then what you look like.
Beauty expresses itself in unique ways.
Beauty is about being authentic and fully embracing who you are.
Beauty needs to be tended to in gentle natural ways.
What is perceived  to be physically beautiful today will surly change over time. A vibrant, healthy woman is timeless in her beauty.
Every Woman has the potential to feel good in her skin, wrinkles or not, wide hips or small. Enough already with age-fighting mania and the cookie-cutter model for beauty. At the core, we all know better. Young girls are looking up to us; it is our responsibility to lead the way.